About image
A creative response to the growing need for mental health services and educational services for neurodiverse young people
We support young people with additional needs, and their families, by building relationships and offering mentoring, coaching, tutoring and consulting.

Having worked with young people and their families in school settings for over 30 years, we recognise a growing gap between additional needs and available resources. Our service aims to:

  • provide practical assistance until formal professional help is accessed

  • bridge the gap due to long wait lists for CAMHs referrals for autism / anxiety and other assessment services

  • help manage the escalation of presenting problems

  • provide ongoing, affordable support following assessment

  • provide information and guidance to navigate school and professional support
Creative wellbeing image

Coaching and Mentoring

1:1 or family sessions exploring strategies to enable young people to live their best lives. The Decider Skills (CBT and DBT ) are used in an adapted and creative way

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Consulting on Special Educational Needs

Empowering parents to support their young people

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1:1 sessions online or in person to support young people's academic potential

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Home School Support

Comprehensive SENDco support and advice for young people learning at home

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'Lorraine has changed the trajectory of our daughter's life!'  

'Lorraine is simply marvelous! Firstly, her vast experience in SEN means that she is able to adapt sessions to target your child’s individual  needs & offer you very specific feedback. Secondly, her sessions are varied, fun and multi sensory, so your child remains attentive and engaged. Thirdly, and crucially, Lorraine is just a wonderfully warm, encouraging, positive presence - my (often shy) child was immediately at ease with her. They laugh together frequently and he’s making huge progress without even realising it ! I would recommend Lorraine without hesitation.'  
(Mum of a young person with dyslexia)

'Lorraine is giving us invaluable advice as we navigate our way through the tricky world of raising an autistic girl with severe anxiety. Our daughter has a lot of school-based anxiety and Lorraine has brought incredibly sharp and refreshing insights and given us new ideas on different strategies at home and in school. Lorraine has acted as an advocate for us in conversations with the school and has fed into the EHCP process. She has also spent a lot of time and effort building up a positive relationship with our daughter through craft and calming activities, which give our daughter an important creative outlet and opportunities for exploration of her anxiety. I would highly recommend Lorraine as a highly experienced professional who has brought new ideas and knowledge to the table.' 
what parents say image
We believe that everyone has strengths and an important contribution to make to those around them.

We recognise that anxiety can be a barrier to this potential being realised.

We give hope to young people and their families, helping them believe they can lead their best lives.

We use our passion, knowledge and experience to empower families and young people to manage anxiety rather than allowing anxiety to manage them.

We journey alongside our clients discovering and exploring their strengths and developing strategies to manage the challenges they face.

We aim to make a difference in every session.
Our MIssion Statement image

When can support be accessed?

Our unique service offers out of hours appointments in the evenings and over the weekend, as well as during school holidays.

We can also offer tutoring services during the school day for students who may not be accessing full time education.

Where is support accessed?

We are based in Warwickshire, United Kingdom.

As well as face to face, we work online via Zoom – this allows us to support clients across the UK.

What are the costs?

Initial, no-obligation, information gathering session on Zoom
30 minutes - £45, 60 minutes - £75
The duration depends on the complexity of the needs of the young person.  If there are reports available prior to the call, the time to read these is included in the £75 fee.  During a 60 minute session, advice and strategies will be given based on the information collected.

Following the Zoom session we will make an offer of support by email with a bespoke plan and associated costs.  Session charges range from £50 - £70 per hour dependent on needs, resources and venue of the session.  Travel time and fuel costs are also charged if sessions take place at a client's home.

We aim to make our services as accessible as possible.

Payment is strictly in advance and discounts may be available for bulk bookings

What happens if we have to cancel a session?

We appreciate that life happens!  If a session is cancelled less than 48 hours prior to the session, this will incur the full cost.  Notice given prior to this will enable us to offer this session to someone else and there will be no charge.

Is there financial support available for sessions?

It is our intention, over time, to build up a bursary fund to support anyone who needs our services but is unable to pay the full costs.  At the moment we are not in a position to offer any bursaries, but please register your interest by emailing us.  As soon as our bursary fund allows, we will make contact and we will let you know the evidence we require to consider your application.

How do we get started?

If you think we may be able to help you and your young person, please email us in the first instance to introduce yourself and briefly outline your situation.

We will reply within two working days to offer you a, no obligation zoom meeting to gather and share information and to answer your questions.

Within a further two working days we will email you with thoughts about what our service can provide or an explanation of why we may not be the best service for you and possible alternatives you could explore.

You can take as long as necessary to consider our offer and make an appointment for a session via email.

Who is Willow?

A growing team of Willow associates is made up of educators with years of experience working in schools with young people with additional needs.  We all have post graduate qualifications and we are committed to attending ongoing training.  

We are all DBS checked.

Lorraine Payne is the owner of Willow and the main consultant 

She has worked in education for 35 years.

For her  last 17 years in mainstream education, she has been a SENDCo in state and independent schools with her last role as Head of Academic and Learning Support for ages 3-18.

Initially supporting students with SpLD, social skills, study skills, and exam strategy, her specialism has developed into supporting students with ADHD, ASC and SEMH. She has recently completed a Master’s degree in SEND with a research project on Equipping parents to support children's mental wellbeing.

Lorraine has also worked as an Educational Consultant on the autism team of SEND Supported and is part of the EOTAS (Education Other Than At School) package for 3 young people through the local authority.

Lorraine is qualified to work with The Decider Skills which teach distilled Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Dialetical Behaviour Therapy.

She is trained in the use of Social Stories and PACE and has completed a Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Introduction to Counselling Skills.

Qualifications: Higher Diploma in Education, BA (Hons), Post Graduate Diploma in SEND including CPT3A for assessment and access arrangements.  MA ED SEND.   Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Introduction to Counselling Skills.  
Registered with the British Psychological Society - Membership Number : RQTU 334294

Tim Lee – Teacher and Mentor

Born in South Africa, Tim trained in Primary Education. He has worked with children and adults as a teacher, headteacher, coach and mentor; and in Adult Education and Training as a Training Manager in the business sector.

Teaching is Tim’s passion. He taught in South Africa and Botswana before moving to the U.K. in 1998 to take up a role as Headteacher of a primary school.

Leading three schools in England and an independent school the Middle East, he has embraced the individuality of students and their families, valued the co-operation of agencies and support services, and respected the differing needs and circumstances of everyone with whom he has been privileged to engage.

Qualifications: Higher Diploma in Education, National Professional Qualification in Headship.

Carolyn Seymour  - Consultant and Advocate
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Working to get a child or young person the support they need to access education, and empowering parents through knowledge and advocacy.
I can support with:

  • understanding the SEND process including SEND-Support and EHCPs
  • reading and explaining professionals' reports and creating a simple, comprehensive SEND-Needs document
  • supporting throughout the EHCP process including completing the request to assess documentation, proof reading draft EHCPs for compliance and advising on appeals
  • understanding what the school and LA are saying by cutting through the jargon and acronyms
  • attending meetings with parents and schools to help them better support the young person in their setting.
Who Am I?

  • I work with Willow as an Education Consultant and Advocate
  • I am IPSEA Level 3 SEND Law qualified.
  • I worked in education for over 25 years, 7 as Headteacher of a large primary school in inner city Birmingham.
  • I left my role to support my own neurodivergent children and fight to get them a suitable education.

Jane Gray: Independent SEND Practitioner, specialising in Social, Emotional and Mental Health.

I have over 16 years teaching experience across Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools. As well as being primary SENDCo for 10 years, I’ve also held senior roles in mental health and safeguarding. I hold a Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) and am a registered test user with the BPS.

I am always happy to meet people at whatever stage they are on along their SEND journey - whether it’s figuring out where to get more help, support for filling in forms, understanding a new diagnosis, applying for assessments or looking for direct support.

I am trained Advanced Drawing and Talking therapy practitioner; delivering low intensity 1-1 and group therapeutic play work with children aged 4 and up including Sandplay and emotion coaching. For some children, accessing psychological support is incredibly difficult for a whole variety of reasons; this is where a more gentle approach is valuable. Trauma-informed play work as well as toolkits such as Zones of Regulation, can help prepare the way for accessing other support at a later date or support a child or young person while they are on a waiting list for more specialist help.

I also work with siblings of children with SEND (who may need support in managing their own feelings and life events) and also parents/carers and education staff (supporting the needs of others impacts everyone around them).

Qualifications: BA (Hons), PGCE, MA, PG Dip Inclusion & NASENCO Award, Advanced Drawing and Talking Practitioner, CCET & Registered with the British Psychological Society RQTU (775406)

Are there any vacancies?

We welcome interest to join our team.  If you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people and their families, please email us with your CV. 
We are educators, not counsellors or therapists.  

We are not equipped to deal with complex family mental health difficulties or with individuals who are self- harming or struggling with an eating disorder. If there is evidence of receiving support from specialists in these areas, we may consider providing a service after consultation and a risk assessment.

Please disclose any relevant information at the initial no obligation session and we will let you know if we can help or we may be able to sign post you to someone who can. If we become aware of any complex issues during our sessions, we reserve the right to end the session (with no refund), and only resume once we have discussed the issue further with you and the professional involved and completed a risk assessment.
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  • Snitterfield, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
  •  willowamlp@gmail.com
  •  Office hours Mon-Frid 8am to 5pm Extended hours for support sessions by arrangement

Please contact us by email in the first instance. We check emails regularly and we will be in contact as soon as possible.

Coming soon....

A resource page with links to helpful books, websites, organisations and podcasts

Our own Willow Blogs written by our team members

Podcasts to play to manage anxiety
Watch This Space image