1. Introduction 

This Code of Conduct Policy outlines the professional standards and ethical guidelines that all tutors working with children must adhere to. 

It is designed to ensure the safety, well-being, and effective learning environment for children. 

By following this code, tutors will maintain the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and respect while providing educational support. 

2. Child Protection and Safety

 2.1 Child Protection Tutors must prioritize the safety and well-being of children at all times. They should: 

a. Treat all children with respect, dignity, and fairness, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other personal characteristic. 

b. Recognize and respect the boundaries of a professional relationship with a child, refraining from engaging in any form of inappropriate behavior, including physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse.

 c. Report any suspicions or concerns about a child's welfare or safety to the appropriate authorities and follow all applicable child protection procedures. 

2.2 Supervision and Privacy 

Tutors must ensure appropriate supervision and respect the privacy of children. They should: 

a. Maintain an open and transparent environment during tutoring sessions, where parents, guardians, or other authorized individuals may observe if desired. 

b. Not take any photographs or videos of children c. Keep personal and confidential information about children and their families confidential, disclosing it only when required by law or with explicit consent. 

3. Professional Conduct 

3.1 Professionalism Tutors must conduct themselves professionally at all times. They should: 

a. Dress appropriately and maintain personal hygiene to create a positive impression and maintain a professional atmosphere. 

b. Arrive punctually for tutoring sessions and communicate promptly with parents, guardians, or educational institutions regarding any changes or cancellations. 

c. Exhibit a positive attitude, patience, and empathy when working with children, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

 3.2 Professional Boundaries 

Tutors must establish and maintain appropriate professional boundaries with children. They should: 

a. Refrain from engaging in any form of physical contact that may be perceived as inappropriate or uncomfortable for the child.

 b. Avoid discussing personal matters unrelated to the educational context, focusing solely on the academic needs and progress of the child. 

c. Maintain professional language and behaviour, avoiding the use of offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory language or actions. 

3.3 Conflict of Interest 

Tutors must act in the best interests of the child and avoid any conflicts of interest that may compromise their professionalism. They should: 

a. Disclose any personal, familial, or financial relationships that may affect their objectivity or impartiality in tutoring sessions. 

4. Qualifications and Competence 

4.1 Qualifications Tutors must possess the necessary qualifications, knowledge, and skills to effectively support children's educational needs. They should: 

a. Maintain relevant academic qualifications, certifications, or licenses as required by local educational regulations or standards.

 b. Regularly update their knowledge and skills through professional development activities, ensuring they stay abreast of the latest teaching methodologies and practices.

 4.2 Professional Integrity Tutors must maintain professional integrity and ensure the accuracy of the educational information they provide. They should: 

a. Present factual and unbiased information, avoiding the promotion of personal beliefs, ideologies, or agendas that may influence a child's learning.

b. Respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights.

Last reviewed 19th July 2023

Date of next review 18th July 2024