1. Introduction 

This Safer Recruitment Policy outlines the procedures and practices to ensure the recruitment of tutors is conducted in a safe, thorough, and ethical manner. 

It is designed to minimize the risk of harm to children and promote the highest standards of safeguarding. 

2. Recruitment Planning 

2.1 Job Description and Person Specification 

Prior to initiating the recruitment process, a comprehensive job description and person specification should be developed. These documents should clearly outline the required qualifications, skills, and experience for the tutoring position, as well as any specific safeguarding-related requirements. 

2.2 Recruitment Strategy 

A recruitment strategy should be developed, ensuring that appropriate channels are utilized to attract qualified candidates. This may include advertising through reputable educational platforms, job boards, or local educational institutions. The recruitment strategy should also aim to attract a diverse pool of candidates. 

3. Candidate Screening and Vetting 

3.1 Application Process 

All applicants for tutoring positions should be required to submit a detailed application form or curriculum vitae (CV) that includes relevant personal and professional information. The application form should request information related to the applicant's qualifications, employment history, relevant experience, and safeguarding training. 

3.2 Shortlisting 

A shortlisting process should be implemented to assess the suitability of candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and alignment with the job description and person specification. The shortlisting process should be conducted by at least two individuals to ensure objectivity and reduce the risk of bias. 

3.3 Interviews and References 

Shortlisted candidates should be invited for an interview, which may be conducted in person or through video conferencing. The interview should include questions designed to assess the candidate's suitability for working with children, their understanding of safeguarding principles, and their ability to create a safe and inclusive learning environment. Additionally, references should be obtained from previous employers or educational institutions. These references should be specifically sought to obtain information about the candidate's character, work performance, and their ability to work with children. 

3.4 Background Checks 

Background checks are a critical component of safer recruitment. These checks should be carried out for all potential tutors and may include: 

a. Enhanced Criminal Record Check: A thorough criminal record check should be conducted to identify any convictions or cautions that may deem a candidate unsuitable to work with children. This check should comply with local legal and regulatory requirements. 

b. Identity Verification: All candidates should be required to provide valid identification documents to confirm their identity and right to work. 

c. Prohibition Check: A check should be conducted to ensure that the candidate is not prohibited or disqualified from working with children due to regulatory or disciplinary actions. 

d. Qualification Verification: The candidate's educational qualifications and professional certifications should be verified through the appropriate authorities or institutions. 

3.5 Record-Keeping 

Detailed records should be maintained throughout the recruitment process, including application forms, CVs, interview notes, references, and the outcomes of background checks. These records should be securely stored and kept confidential in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Last reviewed 19th July 2023

Date of next review 18th July 2024