1. Introduction 

The purpose of this online safety policy is to ensure the well-being and security of tutors and students during online tutoring sessions. 

As technology plays an increasingly significant role in education, it is crucial to establish guidelines and best practices that promote a safe and productive online learning environment. 

This policy outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and measures to be followed by tutors and students to ensure online safety.

 2. Responsible Use of Technology 

2.1 Appropriate Use: 

Tutors and students must use technology and online resources solely for educational purposes during tutoring sessions. Any unauthorized or inappropriate use, such as accessing inappropriate content, sharing personal information, or engaging in cyberbullying, is strictly prohibited. 

2.2 Privacy and Confidentiality: 

Tutors must respect the privacy and confidentiality of students. Personal information shared during tutoring sessions, including contact details and academic records, should be securely stored and only used for educational purposes. Students' personal information must not be shared with unauthorized individuals or third parties. 

2.3 Data Protection: 

Tutors must comply with data protection laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), when handling and storing students' personal data. Adequate measures should be taken to ensure the security and confidentiality of any personal data collected during the tutoring sessions. 

3. Online Communication 

3.1 Professional Conduct: 

Tutors must maintain a professional and respectful tone in all online communication with students and their parents/guardians. 

3.2 Communication Channels: 

Tutors and students should utilize designated communication channels approved by parents/guardians, such as secure online platforms or email, for any necessary discussions or exchange of information. Personal social media accounts should not be used for educational purposes. 

3.3 Parental/Guardian Involvement: 

Tutors should encourage open communication with parents/guardians to keep them informed about the progress and well-being of the student. Regular updates and feedback should be provided through appropriate channels. 

4. Online Safety Measures 

4.1 Secure Platforms: 

Tutors should use secure and reputable online platforms for conducting tutoring sessions. These platforms should have appropriate security measures in place to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the privacy of the participants. 

4.2 Device Security: 

Tutors and students are responsible for maintaining the security of their devices by using up-to-date antivirus software, firewall protection, and regular software updates. 

5. Reporting and Response 

5.1 Reporting Incidents: 

Tutors should promptly report any suspected or observed violations of this online safety policy to the appropriate authorities, such as parents/guardians, relevant educational institutions, or the appropriate online platform administrators. 

5.2 Incident Response: 

In the event of a reported incident, tutors should cooperate fully in any investigations or actions taken to address the situation, ensuring the safety and well-being of all parties involved. 

6. Training and Awareness 

6.1 Training: 

Tutors should receive regular training and updates on online safety practices and guidelines to enhance their understanding of potential risks and strategies for maintaining a secure online learning environment. 

6.2 Student Education: 

Tutors should educate students on online safety best practices, such as the importance of protecting personal information, recognizing and reporting inappropriate behavior, and maintaining responsible online conduct.

Last reviewed 19th July 2023

Date of next review 18th July 2024